Master of Computer Systems and Technology


Descriptions of courses

Qualification characteristics

ECTS code: MpCST

Education forms: Full-time

Term of education: 1 year*
* +1 additional year for students without computer science, computer engineering, informatics or other IT bachelor education

Final examination: development and public defense of a diploma project for both full-time and part-time education

Admission requirements: The admission is made after successfully finishing BSc degree in the same professional direction based on documents that are evaluated forming ranking.

There is an admission for candidates from other professional directions but with additional preparatory year covering special courses.

Ranking points are formed by:

1. Average grade from the BSc degree of education multiplied by 10 (Max – 60)

2. Grade of the defense of diploma thesis multiplied by 2 (Max – 12).

3. Sum of the grades of three special courses in the BSc education defined by Faculty (Max – 18).

For Computer Systems and Technologies the special courses fro ranking are: Database systems; Microprocessor systems; Computer networks.

4. There are 10 additional points that could be given as a bonus. The rules for this bonus is defined by Faculty (e.g. scientific papers, conferences, certificates, covering special courses, BSc diploma source).

Maximum points from all sections – 100.

Admission of students from other specialties are with individual teaching plan.

Access to further studies: after finishing MSc degree the students can continue their education in PhD courses in the following specialties:

  • Automated
    systems for information processing and control

  • Computer
    systems, complexes and networks

  • Systems
    with artificial intelligence

  • System

Programme importance: Information technologies propagate throughout our lives. The society needs more and more highly qualified professionals in this area. They must know modern computer systems and networks, modern programming languages and environments, databases and information systems, to be able to respond to the modern life needs.

General characteristics of the education:

The MSc course includes lectures, presentations, laboratory work and course assignments and projects. It is targeted towards expanding the knowledge of the students in the special goals and topics for professional realization in the ICT sector. Implementation of practical assignments and work prepares the students for their future work and stimulates them to make independent conclusions and work in teams.

Educational and professional goals: The course is orientated towards specifics in computer engineering and includes variety of modern software and hardware subjects. For example: Internet programming, Distributed systems and Computer communications, VLSI design, Distributed embedded systems, UML programming and design, Bioinformatics, Parallel algorithms, Meta-heuristics, Artificial Intelligence, Human-machine interfaces and Machine learning.

Employment of the graduates: The MSc diploma in Computer systems and technologies gives the students the opportunity to work in wide variety of professional spheres as a high-educated professional and team leaders. Development of knowledge in the course allows them to learn techniques for management and implementation of complete projects in the filed of ICT, computer communications, software engineering, VLSI systems, embedded systems, parallel processing, Cloud computing, IoT and etc.