Knowledge for relationships between the environment and the human production activity. Establishment of abilities for determination of the determination of the interaction and the development of the ecosystems, for the influence of the basic air-, water- and soil pollutants. Completing the course, the students will be acquainted with the relations between the environment, the ecosystems, soils, water and the air, is able to take into consideration the impact of the change of each component on the entire development; will be familiar with the terminology for preservation of the environment and steady development; can select basic elements, related with the application of the technologies for waste water treatment, gases and wastes; will know some methods and techniques for decreasing the influence of the present production on the environment.
- Teacher: Димитър Грудев
- Teacher: Маргарита Денева
- Teacher: Беркай Емурла
- Teacher: Станислав Йорданов
- Teacher: Илияна Кирилова
- Teacher: Димитър Кичуков
- Teacher: Мариана-Василики Манаглиоти
- Teacher: Лъчезар Петров
- Teacher: Лили Шипарова